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XBD vertical fire pump set

Product introduction and features
         XBD-DL series multistage fire pump is a new fire product developed by our company according to the actualneeds of the market for fire pumps in strict accordance with the requirements of the latest national standard (GB6245-2006) for fire pumps. After testing by the China National Fire Equipment Quality Supervision Center, all the performance indicators meet or exceed the requirements of the standard.


Scope of application
        It applies to fire water supply to various occasions, such as residences, hotels, office buildings, commercial buildings, factories, hospitals, etc.


Performance range
Capacity: 5~115L/s
Pressure: 0.2~2.3MPa
Power: 3~200Kw

Operating conditions
1. Allow to convey water or non-corrosive medium of similar physical and chemical properties to water, withsolid insoluble not more than 0.1%.
2. Medium temperature: -15℃~120℃.
3. Maximum operating pressure: XBD type pump: ≤2.5MPa, i.e. system pressure + head ≤2.5MPaXBD (I) type pump: ≤2.0MPa
4. Ambient temperature is not more than 40%, relative humidity is less than 95%.

Model implication


Structure diagram and explanation


基本参数表下载: XBD型立式消防泵组.doc